What is a planetarium?
A planetarium is a domed theater. Instead of a rectangular screen in front of you, as in a regular movie theater, the dome overhead is the screen. Our seats tilt you back so you may comfortably view the show or presentation. A planetarium offers a unique and immersive experience you cannot get at just any movie theater venue. There are no telescopes to look through at the planetarium, but you may visit an observatory to do so.
Why do you charge separate admission?
Planetarium admission is separate from regular museum admission. This policy has been in place since the planetarium's beginning. Our revenue comes solely from ticket sales. That income goes towards maintenance costs, equipment upgrades, and new content for your enjoyment! Click here for more information on Morrill Hall admission.
What is your age policy?
We recommend children be at least 4 years old to attend a show due to the nature of the theater and the content of presentation(s). However, we do have some shows geared for younger children ages 2-3.
Why can't I come into the planetarium after a scheduled show begins? Why can't I get back in if I leave during the show?
This is for your safety. The planetarium is different from a regular movie theater, with motion presented overhead and around you. This makes for a more immersive and unique experience. However, this motion is enough to make you dizzy or disoriented. Additionally, your eyes will not adjust to the sudden change in lighting between the lobby and theater. If you plan on attending one of our shows, please give yourself ample time to find parking, visit the restroom, etc., before the show begins. Theater doors open 10 minutes prior to show time and close promptly at scheduled time.
What is your refund policy?
You may receive a refund on a planetarium show ticket before show time. If you purchase tickets and are late to a show, however, you may not enter the theater (as explained above) and will not receive a refund. You may exchange your ticket for another show that day only, but a refund will not be issued.
Why can't I visit the planetarium when there's not a show going on?
When there is no show or presentation taking place in the planetarium, there's not much to see except a dark room.
Why aren't public shows available during the week?
During the fall, winter, & spring seasons, we are presenting planetarium shows for school groups. There are occasions when public shows are available during the week, including the summer season. Click here to see what is now showing and our current show dates and times before your visit.
Where are the best seats?
Generally, sitting in the middle to the back of the theater gives you a better view of the planetarium show.