About Us
Community Access Program (CAP)
The University of Nebraska State Museum believes science should be accessible to everyone. We also believe it is important to be stewards of our communities. Our Community Access Program (CAP) allows us to achieve both objectives. CAP lets museum members and visitors join UNSM in supporting Lincoln-based community and non-profit organizations to give back and support residents facing a variety of challenges or accessibility issues.
CAP Membership Drives

Each season UNSM members have the ability to join the museum in supporting a local organization. UNSM donates 2 free Morrill Hall passes for each membership purchased or renewed during the designated membership drive period. Additional passes are able to be donated by museum members and museum visitors at a discounted rate of 2 passes for $10.
Members and the public are welcome to nominate a community organization to receive the free passes. Other nominations are provided by UNSM staff, the Friends of the State Museum, or organizations can nominate themselves. Nominated organizations are evaluated based on their mission, audience served, and potential to provide museum access to community members who otherwise may not be able to visit museums.
For questions about the CAP Membership Drive program, or to nominate an organization, contact unsmmembership@unl.edu.
Previous Membership Drive program recipients include: The Malone Center, F Street Community Center, Friendship Home, People's City Mission, Lighthouse, Lincoln Literacy, CEDARS, St. Monica's, BraveBe Child Advocacy Center, Belmont Community Center, Willard Community Center, and Center for People.CAP Collection Drives
UNSM believes it's important to support our communities. To that end the museum's Morrill Hall location partners with Lincoln-area non-profits and organizations to host collection drives during annual events and particular seasons. Previous examples include hosting a food collection drive during the annual Fossil Day event, or allowing visitors to create winter greeting cards provided to local senior care facilities.
Organizations for collection drive partnerships can be nominated by UNSM members, museum staff, the Friends of the State Museum, or organizations may nominate themselves. Collection drive partnerships are determined based on mission of the nominated organization, timing of the requested collection (if applicable), and potential impact of the collection drive to give back to the community.
For questions on the Collection Drive program, or to nominate an organization, contact morrillhall@unl.edu.
As part of UNSM's mission of sharing science with the community, the museum provides passes for non-profits to use for service purposes. If you are a non-profit organization interested in passes, please reach out to us at unsmmembership@unl.edu. Organizations making the request should be a registered 501c3 organization. Distribution of passes is evaluated on a rolling basis, but quantities are limited.
Museum Donations for Fundraisers
The museum supports community non-profits and organizations by providing donations of items, museum passes, and museum memberships for respective events and/or fundraisers. While we are happy to give back and support our community, we often receive more requests that we have capacity to handle. At this time we only provide donations to requesting 501c3 organizations. Donation requests are evaluated on a rolling basis, but due to staff availability, we recommend placing requests at least 4 weeks in advance of an event. Donation requests can be directed to morrillhall@unl.edu.