
Accessible parking for visitors to Morrill Hall is located on the east side of the building along 14th Street.
Visitors who need to use the accessible entrance will use the call button mounted on a post outside the east doors to call the front desk and request entry. The front desk will view and talk with visitors then open the doors remotely. Once inside, elevator access to the museum is located around the corner to the right.
During the University of Nebraska-Lincoln home football game days, visitors are to park in a cashiered parking lot ($25) and walk to the museum; however, the east accessible parking spaces are reserved for Morrill Hall visitors ($25) only and are strictly enforced. Football Parking Information
The Museum does have a limited number of wheelchairs for visitor use.
Download our Social Story about what to expect while visiting the Museum. Sensory Kits are available for check-out that include noise cancelling headphones and various fidgets. See Visitor Services for more information.