Research Links
Angiosperm Holdings
Angiosperm Holdings and Data Entry Process
As of 02 October 2013
+ | Specimens present at NEB, not yet databased | |||
Completed | Databasing Complete | |||
In Progress | Databasing Incomplete | |||
- | No specimens at NEB | |||
* | North America is defined as north of Mexico and excluding Hawaii. World is defined as the rest of world except North America. |
Family | Nebraska | North America* | World* |
ACANTHACEAE | Completed | + | + |
ACERACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
ACTINIDIACEAE | - | - | + |
ADOXACEAE | - | + | + |
AGAVACEAE | Completed | + | + |
AIZOACEAE | - | Completed | + |
ALISMATACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
ALOEACEAE | - | - | + |
AMARANTHACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
ANACARDIACEAE | Completed | + | + |
ANNONACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
APIACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
APOCYNACEAE | Completed | + | + |
APONOGEONACEAE | - | - | + |
AQUIFOLIACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
ARACAE | Completed | + | + |
ARALIACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
ARECACEAE | - | + | + |
ARISTOLOCHIACEAE | - | Completed | + |
ASCLEPIADACEAE | Completed | + | + |
ASTERACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
BALSAMINACEAE | Completed | + | + |
BASELLACEAE | - | - | + |
BATACEAE | - | + | + |
BEGONIA | - | Completed | + |
BERBERIDACEAR | Completed | Completed | + |
BETULACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
BIGNONIACEAE | Completed | + | + |
BIXACEAE | - | - | + |
BOMBACACEAE | - | - | + |
BORAGINACEAE | Completed | + | + |
BRASSICACEAE | Completed | + | + |
BROMELIACEAE | - | + | + |
BUDDLEJACEAE | - | + | - |
BURMINNIACEAE | - | + | - |
BURSERACEAE | - | Completed | + |
BUTOMACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
BUXACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
CABOMBACEAE | Completed | Completed | - |
CATACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
CAESALPINIACEAE | Completed | + | + |
CALLITRICHACEAE | Completed | + | + |
CALYCANTHACEAE | Completed | Completed | - |
CAMPANILACEAE | Completed | + | + |
CANELLACEAE | - | Completed | - |
CANNABACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
CANNACEAE | - | + | + |
CAPPARACEAE | Completed | + | + |
CAPRFOLIACEAE | Completed | + | + |
CARICEAE | - | Completed | + |
CARYOPHYLLACEAE | Completed | + | + |
CASARINACECAE | - | Completed | + |
CELASTRACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
CERATPHYLLACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
CHENOPODIACEAE | Completed | + | + |
CISTACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
CLETHRACEAE | - | Completed | + |
CLUSIACEAE | Completed | + | + |
COMBRETACEAE | - | Completed | + |
COMMELINACEAE | Completed | + | + |
CONNARACEAE | - | - | + |
CONVOLVULACEAE | Completed | + | + |
CORIARIACEAE | - | - | + |
CORNACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
CRASSULACEAE | Completed | + | + |
CUCURBITACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
CUSCUTACEAE | Completed | In Progress | + |
CYCLANTHACEAE | - | - | + |
CYMODOCEACEAE | - | + | + |
CYPERACEAE | Completed | In Progress | + |
CYRILLACEAE | - | Completed | + |
DATISCACEAE | - | Completed | - |
DIAPENSIACEAE | - | Completed | + |
DILLENIACEAE | - | - | + |
DIOSCOREACEAE | Completed | + | + |
DIPSACACEAE | Completed | + | + |
DROSERACEAE | - | Completed | + |
EBENACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
ELAEAGNACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
ELAEOCARPACEAE | - | - | + |
ELATINACEAE | Completed | + | + |
EMPETRACEAE | - | Completed | + |
EPACRIDAEAEE | - | - | + |
ERICACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
ERIOCAULACEAE | - | + | + |
ERTHROXLYACEAE | - | - | + |
EUPHORBIACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
FABACEAE | Completed | + | + |
FAGACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
FLACOURTIACEAE | - | - | + |
FOUQUIERIACEAE | - | Completed | - |
FRANKENIACEAE | - | Completed | + |
FUMARIACEAR | Completed | Completed | + |
GARRYACEAE | - | Completed | - |
GENTIANACEAE | Completed | + | + |
GERANIACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
GESNERIACEAE | - | - | + |
GLOBULARIACEAE | - | - | + |
GOODENIACEAE | - | - | + |
GROSSULARIACEAE | Completed | + | + |
GUNNERACEAE | - | - | + |
HAEMODORACEAE | - | + | + |
HALORAGACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
HAMAMELICACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
HIPPOCASTANACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
HIPPOCRATEACEAE | - | Completed | - |
HIPPURIDACAE | Completed | + | + |
HUMIRIACEAE | - | - | + |
HYDRANGEACEAE | Completed | + | + |
HYROCHARUTACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
HYDROPHYLLACEAE | Completed | + | + |
ILLICIACEAE | - | Completed | + |
IRIDACEAE | Completed | + | + |
JUGLANDACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
JUNCACEAE | Completed | + | + |
JUNCAGINACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
KRAMERICEAE | - | Completed | - |
LACISTEMATACAE | - | - | + |
LAMIACEAE | In Progress | + | + |
LAURACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
LECYTHIDACEAE | - | - | + |
LEEACEAE | - | - | + |
LEITNERIACEAE | - | Completed | - |
LEMNACEAE | In Progress | + | + |
LENNOACEAE | - | + | + |
LENTIBULARIACEAE | Completed | + | + |
LILIACEAE | Completed | + | + |
LIMNANTHACEAE | - | + | - |
LINACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
LOASACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
LOGANIACEAE | - | + | + |
LORANTHACEAE | - | - | + |
LYTHRACEAE | Completed | + | + |
MAGNOLIACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
MALPIGHIACEAE | - | Completed | + |
MALVACEAE | Completed | + | + |
MARANTCEAE | - | + | + |
MAYACACEAE | - | + | - |
MELASTOMATACEAE | - | Completed | + |
MELIACEA | - | Completed | + |
MENISPERMACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
MENYANTHACEAE | Completed | + | + |
MIMOSACEAE | Completed | + | + |
MOLLUGINACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
MONIMIACEAE | - | - | + |
MONOROPACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
MORACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
MORINGACEAE | - | + | + |
MUSACEAE | - | - | + |
MYOPORACEAE | - | + | - |
MYRICACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
MYRISTICACEAE | - | - | + |
MYRSINACEAE | - | Completed | + |
MYRTACEAE | - | Completed | + |
NAJADACEAE | Completed | + | + |
NELBUMBONACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
NEPENTHACEAE | - | - | + |
NYCTAGINACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
NYMPHAEACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
NYSSACEAE | Completed | Completed | - |
OCHNACEAE | - | - | + |
OLACACEAE | - | Completed | + |
OLEACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
ONAGRACEAE | Completed | + | + |
ORCHIDACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
OROBANCHACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
OXALIDACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
PAEONIACEAE | Completed | + | + |
PANDANACEAE | Completed | + | + |
PAPAVERACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
PASSIFLORACEAE | - | Completed | + |
PEDALIACEAE | Completed | + | + |
PELLICIERACEAE | - | - | + |
PHTYOLACCACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
PIPERACEAE | - | Completed | + |
PITTOSPORACEAE | - | - | + |
PLANTAGINACECAE | Completed | Completed | + |
PLANTACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
PLUMBAGINACEAE | - | + | + |
POACEAE | Completed | In Progress | + |
PODOSTEMACEAE | - | Completed | + |
POLEMONIACEAE | Completed | + | + |
POLYGALACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
POLYGONACEAE | In Progress | In Progress | + |
PONTEDERIACEAE | Completed | + | + |
PORTULACAEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
POSIDONIACEAE | - | - | + |
POTAMOGETONCEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
PRIMULACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
PROTEACEAE | - | Completed | - |
PUNICACEAE | - | Completed | + |
PYRIOLACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
QUIINACEAE | - | - | + |
RAFFLESIACEAE | - | - | + |
RANNUNCULACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
RESEDACEAE | Completed | + | + |
RESTINOACEAE | - | - | + |
RHAMNACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
RHIZOPHORACEAE | - | Completed | - |
ROSACEAE | Completed | + | + |
RUBIACEAE | Completed | + | + |
RUPPIACEAE | Completed | + | + |
RUTACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
SABIACEAE | - | - | + |
SALICACEAE | In Progress | In Progress | + |
SALVADORACEAE | - | - | + |
SANTALACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
SAPINDACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
SAPOTACEAE | - | Completed | + |
SARRACENIACEAE | - | Completed | - |
SAURURACEAE | - | Completed | - |
SAXIFRAGACEAE | Completed | + | + |
SCHECHZERIACEAE | - | Completed | + |
SCHISANDRACEAE | - | Completed | - |
SCROPHULARIACEAE | In Progress | + | + |
SIMARIOUBACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
SIMMONSIACEAE | - | Completed | - |
SMILACECEAE | Completed | + | + |
SOLANACEAE | Completed | + | + |
SPARGANIACEAE | Completed | + | + |
STAPHYLEACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
STEMONACEAE | - | + | - |
STERCULIACEAE | - | + | + |
STYLIDIACEAE | - | - | + |
STYRACACEAE | - | Completed | + |
SURIANACEAE | - | + | + |
SYMPLOCACEA | - | Completed | + |
TAMARICACEAE | Completed | + | + |
THEACEAE | - | + | + |
THELIGONACEAE | - | - | + |
THEOPHRASTACEAE | - | Completed | + |
THYMELAEACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
TILIACEAE | Completed | + | + |
TRAPACEAE | - | Completed | + |
TREMANDRACEAE | - | - | + |
TROPAEOLACEAE | Completed | - | + |
TURNERACEAE | - | Completed | + |
TYPHACEAE | Completed | + | + |
ULMACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
URTICACECAE | Completed | Completed | + |
VALERINANCEAE | Completed | + | + |
VERBENACEAE | + | + | + |
VIOLACEAE | Completed | + | + |
VISCACEAE | - | Completed | + |
VITACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |
VOCHYSIACEAE | - | - | + |
WINTERACEAE | - | - | + |
XYRIDACEAE | Completed | + | + |
ZANNICHELLIACEA | Completed | + | + |
ZOSTERACEAE | - | + | + |
ZYOGOPHYLLACEAE | Completed | Completed | + |