The museum’s fundraising effort for the Cherish Nebraska fourth floor redevelopment project has reached another important milestone. I am truly pleased to announce that the Nebraska Environmental Trust Board has officially approved the museum’s proposal entitled: “Natural Legacy Exhibits and Virtual Learning Program Outreach for Morrill Hall, Trailside and Ashfall.” Retired Director Priscilla Grew led the submission of this request to the Nebraska Environmental Trust late last summer. I am very grateful for all her efforts.
This funding includes $425,000 for the new “Cherish Nebraska” exhibits – specifically, the “Nebraska Natural Legacy Project (NNLP): Ecoregions and Biodiversity” exhibits. An additional $574,000 will support related educational programming, including installation of new connectivity to link the University of Nebraska State Museum’s branch museums Ashfall Fossil Beds State Historical Park and the Trailside Museum of Natural History to Morrill Hall and to schools via the Network Nebraska-Education telecommunications network.
With this Nebraska Environmental Trust funding, we have great momentum. The entire Cherish Nebraska project has now reached over 80% of its fund-raising goal of $11.4 million. We continue to work with interested individuals and Foundations towards raising $1.87 million needed to complete the project.