Virtual Learning Programs
Life in a Dung Pat

Grades K, 2nd, 5th
NCCRS-Science: SC.K.7, SC.2.7, SC.5.8
30 minutes (K, 2nd)
45 minutes (5th)
Habitats and ecosystems come in many different sizes. By considering a bison dung pat your students will engage in a discussion of ecosystems and habitats, explore a Bison Dung pat (to discover the animals that might be found there), and be able to explain how dung pats support the lives of many small animals. Our 5th grade version will delve deeper into the movement of matter. This program includes an interactive classroom kit and live virtual program.
A 30-minute classroom activity using our provided kit introduces your students to the prairie ecosystem and the specific habit of a bison dung pat, including all the animals that call the dung pat home. This activity sets your students up to explore more deeply and understand the variety of life within the dung pat habitat with a museum educator during the virtual learning program.
The kit includes all that is needed for a 30-minute lesson that is divided into 3 sections. The sections include discussion and sorting activities. The kit includes a teacher guide, photos, bison model, bison dung models, and small plastic prairie insects/non-insects.
Return mail cost averages $15.00.
With a variety of visuals, song, and looking through a microscope, we will explore the habitat and morphology of the dung beetle. We will be utilizing our Dung Beetle display, as well as exploring actual beetles and bison dung. For our 5th grade audience, we will deepen the exploration into how the small but might dung beetle is a major mover of matter.